Sesame Portastile designed, developed and manufactured these handheld devices to meet a specific requirement of counting in people through wide load lanes or vehicle roadways onto and off site.

It was found necessary in the past for a telemetry system to be developed which would facilitate the efficient and speedy counting of visitors in vehicles entering the site without the need for them to dismount to be counted and rejoin their vehicle. This means that there would be a minimal disruption to traffic flow to and from the site with the ensuing congestion.

The Handheld’s would typically be deployed in two’s and operated by security staff or stewards usually with one counting inward movements and the other outgoings.

Although capable of being fully networked all these battery-operated units are provided with a visual count recording. Each unit incorporates in their design and construction a tamper proof capability which means the number cannot be reset without intervention from an authorised individual.

As with all of our equipment the numbers generated by these handheld unit can be incorporated in conjunction with all other Sesame Equipment or used individually.